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(Photo) Frequently Asked Questions

No, you may not use any photos or virtual tours from the previous listing agent unless you have written permission from the agent who owns the photos.

MLS Listings share ownership and enforces copyright for listings on the service. Photos taken of your home are considered creative property, and you must have permission from the photographer to use them.

If you want your photos to be displayed in a specific order, you must RENAME them before sending.

Rename them Numerically such as 1 (for the first photo) 2, 3, 4, 5, …….. 24, 25.  By doing this they will be in the order you chose.

Upload photos directly on our website through your client portal

Alternatively, you can use ww.wetransfer.com to send the photos. Simply create a free account, add your files, and send them to sold@mylistpics.com

WE will ONLY accept Photos In JPEG (.jpg) format, all other formats are NOT ACCEPTABLE to the MLS.

To process your listing smoothly we ask that you send all photos at once in a single transfer. Please do not send individual files or individual replacement photos.

Google specific instructions based on the format you received from your camera or photographer.

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